Two people meet for an instant and suddenly the whole world goes topsy-turvy…
Anybody can walk into a wall. It takes talent to get kicked in the head….
Hullo mes chers Riffs readers:Â
A physical attack in late June has left me in wobbly condition, keeping to a stiff work schedule but whenever I get to the desk, I’m exhausted and black out, unable to concentrate on one of too many unfinished pieces —even the one about careening around Paris like a sober drunk. (I can’t walk in a straight line at present, I’m a danger on the sidewalks.) Writing is one of the things that keeps me sane, so I have high hopes to be back on track soon, in time for the September rentrée with updates on culture and the latest political fiascos in France. All best to you for a long, slow, peaceful August. jg
… In the Mean-Time there is a hefty backlog of some hundred and fifty entries to feast on here here at Continental Riffs, covering poli-sci, French music and art, travels and contentious issues of the day like Genderism. I’ll finish a few others as soon as I can sit upright and concentrate.
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I'm sure some of the most dramatic events of life make for the the most gripping of stories. Hope it wasn't the follow up to your last gypsy pedicab tales.