I chuckled a couple of times and wasn't outraged in the least. We share a similar worldview. If it didn't go against the strict tenants of my religion to give money to worthwhile people, I'd give you some. Thanks. G.
Look, man. I'm old. I've been writing for a long time. I don't say shit to anyone about writing. Very few people know what the fuck it is, especially "published authors." You do. What gets published is what makes money. You don't. That's good. Keep it up. Whining about money is beneath you. Do it if you want but, to me, it cheapens you. I trust you're not outraged.
I chuckled a couple of times and wasn't outraged in the least. We share a similar worldview. If it didn't go against the strict tenants of my religion to give money to worthwhile people, I'd give you some. Thanks. G.
Not even a cup of coffee, you old cunt ?
I'm telling you, man, I can't do it. Much as I'd love to. I like how you write. That's better than money.
I'll have to try harder on the outrage.
Look, man. I'm old. I've been writing for a long time. I don't say shit to anyone about writing. Very few people know what the fuck it is, especially "published authors." You do. What gets published is what makes money. You don't. That's good. Keep it up. Whining about money is beneath you. Do it if you want but, to me, it cheapens you. I trust you're not outraged.